Funnier than Portlandia – it’s Vancouvria! Our poor small town neighbors to the north take a class on surviving Portland:
First episode here on Vancouvria’s Youtube page
Online scrapbook. Portland, Oregon
Funnier than Portlandia – it’s Vancouvria! Our poor small town neighbors to the north take a class on surviving Portland:
First episode here on Vancouvria’s Youtube page
Here’s another Portland area mystery – what the heck is that? I have a full set of pic on Flickr – click here!
I’ve tried Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, craigslist, everything I can think of to find out if anyone in the area has any idea what this is. One lead is a user on Flickr who claimed his dad built and launched it years ago. I tried to contact the user for more details, but no reply.
Can anyone help??
It’s that time again! Time for the Safeway Waterfront Blues Festival in Portland, OR! Great major acts this year, including Maceo Parker and Lucinda Williams.
Continue reading “Waterfront Blues Festival in PDX”
That’s good enough for me!
Just found Jessica Hische’s Daily Drop Cap site:
Wee wonderous little jewels of letters. It’s a big dose of design inspiration in a tiny colorful package
onderful text!