New! Portland Cash Mob Sunday Dec. 16th 4pm

I’m sure it’s been done before, but I love the idea of Cash Mobs. So I started another one up for Portland.
Here’s the FB page:
Portland Cash Mob on Facebook

Portland Cash Mob!
That's what we want

Since there are some folks not on Facebook, I’ll update this blog as well.

What’s a Cash Mob?
Basically, it’s a bunch of folks who go to a local small business at a predetermined time, and pledge to spend about $20 or so. Like a Flash Mob, it’s a hit-and-disperse. Hit the local business, give them an influx of sales, then on your merry way!
The location will be announced around 24hrs ahead of time. All businesses chosen will be OK for kids, and will have many things for sale under $20, and appealing to everyone. No sign up, no commitment, just tell your friends!

The first one will be Sunday Dec. 16th at 4pm. Location TBD

also on yelp: