Occupy Portland / Occupy Together

Congratulations, world! Congratulations on recognizing global economic disparity! Let’s get to work, again, as ever, 99%!

  • Can’t make it down to the Elk to physically support Occupy Portland? Check their site for current needs and actions. Last I checked they needed folks to help deal with laundry, and take compost away. Occupy Portland Web Site
  • Yes even desk jockeys can help. Repost #occupy links and stories on Facebook. Retweet on the Twitter. It may not seem like much, but social media is a: direct democracy and b: becoming more relevant than traditional media
  • Give money. $5? $10? Donate to Occupy Portland. Listen in to KBOO community radio and give them some money. Become a KBOO member and support the voice of Portland. KBOO offers so much – public affairs, local news, and the most amazing variety of music you’ll hear anywhere!

Occupy Together!