Portland Halloween Happenings!

I have a feeling Portland is going to go ape-crazy for Halloween this year. Maybe Halloween is Portland’s Mardi Gras? Here’s a few things coming up!

TODAY – Portland Zombie Walk and Thriller dance mob thing – 4pm Pioneer Courthouse Square. Get your early Halloween zombie fix! Join the march, and look out for the Zombie Hunters.

Don’t miss Davis Graveyard, either. Free!
On 43rd and Johnson Creek Road – I went last night and it was beautiful. These folks spend countless hours decorating their yard with tombstones, creepy statues, decomposing angels and The Spider! Look for the amazing ghostly projections scattered throughout – dancing ghosts, spooky horse and the creepy priest! Halloween just got better.

And if you haven’t seen this already, not Portland related but absolutely brilliant:
Sears Zombie Page!

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

The UN is cooler than you think. Yes, they have an office specifically set up for Outer Space Law! Initially developed in 1958 for research regarding the peaceful use of outer space, and to this day it looks like they do lots of research.

So the head of United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Mazlan Othman, gets to be Earth’s go-to person in case of encounters! Is that a cool job or what?

Details forthcoming!
UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens from news.com.au.

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Mazlan Othman Wikipedia entry

Return to “Lucky Strike” restaurant

Lucky Strike moved to larger and easier to find digs on SE Hawthorne and 39th. After a rousing evening with Wendy and the Lost Boys at the Hawthorne Theater Lounge next door, it was time to test the peppers at Lucky Strike.

The food, once it showed up, was exquisite. The green beans and beans (grean beans and dried black beans) remain salty, spicy and garlicy as before. The seafood pancake now has what i think was shaved bonito tuna on top. It was paper thin strips of smoked tuna that, to the dismay of one dinner companion, waved and undulated like seaweed. Seriously. I thought it was just wafting in the heat. But even after the pancake had somewhat cooled down, parts kept on-a-waving.

Service was awful and clueless. I asked about my animated food, and our server responded “i don’t know what’s on top”. Drinks showed up after entrees. And then the appetizers appeared.

I’m satisfied with the Lucky Strike experience and prolly won’t go again.

Again, crowdsourced reviews at Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/biz/lucky-strike-portland