Occupy Portland / Occupy Together

Congratulations, world! Congratulations on recognizing global economic disparity! Let’s get to work, again, as ever, 99%!

  • Can’t make it down to the Elk to physically support Occupy Portland? Check their site for current needs and actions. Last I checked they needed folks to help deal with laundry, and take compost away. Occupy Portland Web Site
  • Yes even desk jockeys can help. Repost #occupy links and stories on Facebook. Retweet on the Twitter. It may not seem like much, but social media is a: direct democracy and b: becoming more relevant than traditional media
  • Give money. $5? $10? Donate to Occupy Portland. Listen in to KBOO community radio and give them some money. Become a KBOO member and support the voice of Portland. KBOO offers so much – public affairs, local news, and the most amazing variety of music you’ll hear anywhere!

Occupy Together!

Sauvie Island Mystery

Aqua-craft landlocked at Sauvie Island
Aqua-craft landlocked at Sauvie Island

Here’s another Portland area mystery – what the heck is that? I have a full set of pic on Flickr – click here!

I’ve tried Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, craigslist, everything I can think of to find out if anyone in the area has any idea what this is. One lead is a user on Flickr who claimed his dad built and launched it years ago. I tried to contact the user for more details, but no reply.

Can anyone help??

Husky or Maltese, Whatever!

Thanks, Cafemama! http://www.flickr.com/photos/cafemama/

With a song in my heart and a spring in my step, finally one of SouthEast Portland’s great mysteries is solved!

I frequently pass a strip mall near 36th and Powell boasting the glorious sign for “Husky or Maltese, Whatever” – a restaurant that is never, ever open.

Here’s some pictures of the sign on Flickr

I’ve swung by the restaurant countless times over say the past 7 years. There are tables with table clothes, silverware, chairs, curtains pulled, signage out front – everything it indicate it’s a real working place! But it’s never, ever, ever open.
Continue reading “Husky or Maltese, Whatever!”

Free fun & food in PDX this summer

Free lunch programs in Oregon this summer

Speaking of Oregon Food Bank, hunger is still epidemic in Oregon. So Summer Food In Oregon is filling the gaps with free lunches and some breakfasts for kids in the parks this summer.

Portland Parks has gone all out with free music and movies in the parks all over the city! All are kid friendly events in the evenings. Go check out some new bands!

More info on free events and the lunch program at pdxdirect.org